As a cherished kindergarten teacher, proud parent to two SCA graduates, and the wife of an SCA alum, Mrs. Monica Brooks is a familiar figure on SCA’s kindergarten hall and in the Sherwood Christian School community. Whether she’s captivating her class with animated Bible stories, guiding tiny hands through the intricacies of cursive writing, or patiently helping a child learn to read, it’s easy to see why she’s known as an exceptional and beloved educator. In the crucial year of kindergarten, where the foundation for a child’s educational journey is laid, Mrs. Brooks goes above and beyond, ensuring that each child under her care is not only academically prepared but also nurtured with genuine care and attention.

EDUCATION: Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Valdosta State University with a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Early Childhood Education

YEARS LEADING IN EDUCATION: I taught third and fourth grades in a public school for nine years. This is my sixth year at SCA, so this is my 15th year of teaching. I homeschooled my children for a total of 11 years. Homeschooling was difficult but so rewarding.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT TEACHING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS?: My favorite thing about teaching kindergarten is teaching my students how to read. I love seeing that “light bulb” moment when they realize they can read by themselves.

FAVORITE SNACK: I love Reese’s!

FAVORITE HOBBY: I love spending time with my family.

FAVORITE BOOK: My favorite children’s books are Love You, Forever (I fell in love with this book in college before I had children) and Because I Love You.

AS A CHILD, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? I’ve known that I wanted to be a teacher since I was in high school.

HOW DID YOUR FAMILY END UP AT SCA? When our son, Payton, was in eighth grade we knew we had to do something to help him focus on his education. My husband suggested we try SCA, since he had graduated from here. I’m the oddball when it comes to what school my family attended since my husband and both children graduated from SCA. I feel a little left out, but I’m thankful for the Bible-based, quality education they all received from SCA.

WHY DO YOU THINK CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT AND SPECIAL?: I feel that a Christian education is very crucial in our society today. Children need a solid, Biblical foundation and worldview. Now more than ever, we should be sharing the Gospel and living out the Gospel. Our most important job as teachers and parents is to point our children and students to Christ. He is our only Hope.